Pre-Clinical Evaluation Core
The Pre-Clinical Evaluation Core (PCEC) primarily serves as a centralized resource center for assessment of cancer disease mechanisms and cancer models that are studied by the individual PJI projects. The Core has been designed with focused experience in 3D cancer cell culture systems, including isolation and propagation of human cancer cell lines and normal human cell lines, extracellular matrix scaffold utilization and evaluation, and characterization of tumor spheroids. Expertise in genetic modification, gene expression and protein levels, and standard assays for cell signaling, apoptosis, drug screens, toxicology, immunological analysis, pathological evaluation, and imaging. The Core will be located in Room 2202 on the second floor of the LSU SVM, near the office of the core Director and Associate Directors and also near the labs of the PI/Director and Co-I of the Cancer COBRE. Core usage to support other NIH-funded projects will facilitate cancer animal model analysis as well as other disease models and underscores focused development and characterization of tumor spheroids to characterize factors critical for different stages of tumor development and progression. PCEC will work with core users to develop specific project based pre-Clinical models. Standardized techniques will ensure systematic assessment for each cell system such as 3D imaging of spheroid structure, differentiation state, cell proliferation, stability, viability, and functional assays (eg, enzyme or signaling). Visualization of spheroid structural organization by high content imaging (Cytation 5) and confocal microscopy, along with immunohistochemistry and pathological evaluation, will be available through coordination with the MBIPC. Measurement of cytokine/chemokines and ECM production will be assessed by ELISA or Western Blot analysis. RNA and protein lysates will be isolated from spheroids for gene expression and protein level analysis. RNAseq studies will be coordinated with the MBIPC. Expertise in genetic manipulation, eg, targeted CRISPR/Cas9 or siRNA knockdown of specific genes, in spheroids (plus or minus ECM or inhibitors) will be available for the core users for tumorigenesis disease mechanism and target discovery and validation.